This study discusses conservatism in the The Breadwinner movie. The Breadwinner tells the story of a girl named Parvana who struggles to provide for her family's basic needs because her father has been arrested by a conservatism regime. However, the opposing regime forbade a daughter to leave the house. The method used in this research is descriptive gualitative. The theory used is the theory o…
This study aimed to describe the types of expressive speech acts and the function of using types of expressive speech acts used by the host and the guests in Celebrity Family Feud Season 4. This research used descriptive gualitative method. The Researcher found that there are 6 types of expressive speech acts use by the host and the guests in Celebrity Family Feud Season 4. First, the expressiv…
The researcher focuses on the comparative structure between Movel and Film “The call of the wild”. This study aims to determine the Comparative structure in the Novel and Film “The call of the wild”. This research is analyzed based on the Ecranisation theory by Eneste Pamusuk. This research uses gualitative method and uses a Ecranisation approach to analyze the data. The researcher used…
Novel ini menceritakan tentang teori konspirasi yang dilakukan oleh petinggi-petinggi Gereja Katolik di Vatikan
Buku ini membahas tentang bagaimana bercakap menggunakan bahasa indonesia dan inggris disertai dengan gambar agar lebih memudahkan untuk mengerti
This research is aimed at finding out the types and the functions of Code Switching used by the characters in Layangan Putus Drama. This research uses the gualitative descriptive method to analyze and determine the utterance of the drama to include in the types and the function. The result of this research indicates that there are 78 utterance data of code-switching used by the characters. For …
Skripsi ini membahas bahwa kualitas layanan referensi di perpusakaan Muhammadiyah Makassar masuk dalam kategori besar (B) dengan skor persentse sebesar '77,27Y0o. Sementara kepuasan pemustaka di perpustakaan Muhammadiyah Makassar masuk dalam kategori cukup besar (CB) dengan skor persentase 79,2800. Ada hubungan dan pengaruh kualitas layanan referensi terhadap kepuasan pemustaka di Universitas M…
Skripsi ini membahas tentang relevansi kurikulum dengan kompetensi professional pustakawan. Masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah apakah kurikulum yang ada di Jurusan Ilmu Perpustakaan Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora Universita Negeri Alauddin Makassar sudah Relevan dengan Kompetensi Profesional Pustakawan.