In social interaction, humans will make the communication process run smoothly by turn-taking, which is waiting for a turn to speak after the first speaker finishes what is being discussed. In this study, the researcher focuses on examining conversation overlap, which is a conversation between two or more people at the same time. The researcher used the Pretty Basic Featuring Meghan Trainor Pod…
Language is the most important thing in human life. By using language, the speaker is expected to convey the information clearly. However, in the process of thinking when delivering ideas, sometimes people made hesitation pause. This hesitation pause is used when people need time to think of the appropriate word to say next that suddenly made the speaker make fillers or even corrected thems…
Language is the most important thing in human life. By using language, the speaker is expected to convey the information clearly. However, in the process of thinking when delivering ideas, sometimes people made hesitation pause. This hesitation pause is used when people need time to think of the appropriate word to say next that suddenly made the speaker make fillers or even corrected themselve…
The aims of this research are to find out and classify the types of presupposition in “Podcast Anything Goes with Emma Chamberlain: The Instagram Illusion Episode”. This research applied Yule theory (1996) that divides six types of presupposition. This research used a gualitative method with the source data from the audio of Emma Chamberlain Podcast “The Instagram Illusion Episode”. Bas…
Skripsin ini membahas bahwa pemahaman pengelola perpustakaan di Dinas Perpustakaan dan Kearsipan Kabupaten Takalar mengenai isi tiap volume dan tabel pembantu pada volume 1 DDC masih kurang, begitu pun dengan pemahaman mengenai langkah-langkah yang ditempuh untuk menentukan nomor klasifikasi juga masih kurang. Adapun penerapan klasifikasi DDC di Dinas Perpustakaan dan Kearsipan Kabupaten Takala…
Skripsi ini membahas tentang penerapan kegiatan klasifikasi sistem DDC (Dewey Decimal Clasification) di Perpustakaan Universitas Islam Makassar. Inti permasalahan dalam penelitian ini yaitu bagaimana proses klasifikasi bahan pustaka menggunakan sistem DDC serta penerapannya di Perpustakaan Universitas Islam Makassar dan kendala-kendala yang dihadapi dalam proses penerapan sistem klasifikasi DDC…
This research focucused on Abraham Maslow's Hierarchy of needs on determining the motives of the antagonist characters within the structural level of the story. Along with comparative study by steven Totosy de Zepenel on comparing the similarities an the differences betwen the data from both selectted movies. Furthermore, using a note taking then organizing the data on table, the qualitative re…
Hasil penelitian ini menjelaskan bahwa keterampilan pustakawan dalam proses klasifikasi bahan pustaka di perpustakaan SDN 168 Kessing kecamatan Donri-donri kabupaten Soppeng sudah berjalan sesuai dengan standar yang ditetapkan oleh sistem DDC. Namun dalam penentuan subyek pustakawan masih sulit dalam mengklasifikasi bahan pustaka karena belum terampil dalam menganalisis subyek bahan pustaka.
This research discussed about the use of persuasive strategies in national university debating champhionship 2016 which aimed to find out the kinds of persuasive strategies which were used and dominantly used by debates. This research focused on Hart's theory of persuasive.
skripsi ini membahas tentang Penguasaan Sistem Klasifikasi Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) oleh Pustakawan di Perpustakaan B.J. Habibie Politeknik Negeri Ujung Pandang. pokok permasalahan dalam skripsi ini adalah bagaimana penguasaan sistem klasifikasi ddc oleh pustakawan dan apakah pustakawan dalam mengklasifikasi bahan pustaka sesuai dengan standar kompetensi kerja nasional indonesia bidan…