based on the findings of the research, the researcher conclude that after joining english camp, the students get positive impact like english can increase confidence and knowledge about english. it is proved statistically which is 33,33% or 16 students who get very positive attitude with the score 81-100, 65,5% or 30 students
skripsi ini membahastentang "kualitas website UPT perpustakaan UIN alauddin makassar sebagaimedia informasi menggunakan metode Webqual 4.0". pokok permasalahan dar skrpsi ini adalah bagaimana kulatasa penggunaan (usability quality), kualitas nformasi information quaity),dan kualitas interaksi (nteracton Quality)website UIN Alauddin makassar sebagai media informasi menggunakan metode webqual 4.0.
This research discussed about the use of persuasive strategies in national university debating champhionship 2016 which aimed to find out the kinds of persuasive strategies which were used and dominantly used by debates. This research focused on Hart's theory of persuasive.
This thesis research about the ability and the difficulties of the third semester students at english and Literature departement of adab and humanities faculty in mastery the using WH-form as interrogative form and as conjuction such as what, who/whom, where, why, which, and how.
this research discussed about deconstruction of characters which aimed to deconstrcut a binary opposition between the main character and minor character in moana movie, and revealed the other side the characters that had been not important in this movie which became important because the minor characters formed a different character in moana movie and figure out the different character of moana
the objectives of this research are to find out th kinds of violence described by author. and to find out how the violence happen toward the main character in this novel. the writer found that there are five kinds of violence toward women. they are physical violence, emotional, sexual, psychological, economic violence. here, the writers try to make readers conclude how women always full of weak…
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sistem pengolahan bahan pustaka di perpustakaan SMP Negeri 1 Soppeng Riaja masih menggunakan metode manual, dan sistem pemeliharaan bahan pustaka yang masih bersifat pencengahan. Kendala yang dihadapi sistem pengolahan dan sistem pemeliharaan bahan pustaka adalah dari segi pendanaan dan kualitas sumber daya manusia yang masih minim. Untuk itu diharapkan kepada…
Skripsi ini membahas tentang analisis system pengolahan bahan pustaka di perpustakaan Staid di darul ihsan Makassar, dengan rumusan masalah yaitu bagaimana system pengolahan bahan pustaka di perpustakaan staid di darul ihsan Makassar yang meliputi inventarisasi, katalogisasi, klasifikasi dan kendala-kendala serta bagaimana kerjasama yang di terapkan perpustakaan staid di darul ihsan Makassar de…