This reseaarch concerns with category shif applied by translator in abstract of thesis in Alauddin State Islami University of Makassar. From Indonesia to English. This research is a descriptive qualitative research. The data anayzed in this reseach werw taken from eleven abstract of thesis and its category shift using of Catford's theory (1965).
Sripsi ini membahas tentang Kompetensi Pustakawan dalam penguasaan Teknologi Informasi di Dinas Perpustakaan Umum Kota Makassar. Pokok permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana kompeensi pustakawan dan dan apakah ada kendala yang diahadapi pustakawan dalam penguasaan teknologi informasi di Dinas perpustakaan umum Kota Makassar.
Based on findings and discussion of this research, rhetorical context of President Trump's speech is to respond and clarify the killing of Qassem Soleimani in Iraq by United States military personnel and to clarify the accusation of citizens across the world that accused him starting the war by killed Iran Top General Qassem Soleimani. And President Trump's rhetorical argument uses all the proc…
the result of this research showed that; 1) the symptoms of dyslexia portrayed in the main character of the novel includes reading difficulty, writing difficulty and spelling difficulty. Basides, the researcher also found that the dyslexic character also showed strength in cognitive are such as critical thinking, good comprehension, good observation, and good at arts. 2) in the process of overc…
hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa berdasarkan penilaian dari 70 orang, sebanyak 3.360 kategori baik atau setuju yang diberikan oleh responden untuk variabel (x) pengaruh koleksi dengan rentang skor (700-3.500) dan mendekati penilaian interval sangat setuju.l sedangkan untuk variabel (y) peningkatan kreativitas masyarakat, dari 70 orang yaitu sebanyak 2.688 kategori baik atau setuju dengan rent…
skripsi yang berjudul tradisi pernikahan di pulau balang lom[po kabupaten pangkep (akulturasi budaya islam dengan budaya lokal). tujuan penelitian ini adalah yang pertama untuk mendeksripsikan dan menganalisis mengenai pelaksanaan tradisi pernikahan di pulau balang lompo kecamatan liukang tupabbiring kabupaten pangkep
Skripsi ini membahas tentang Persepsi siswa tentang pemanfaatan koleksi perpustakaan SMP negeri 1 anggeraja kabupaten Enrekang. tujuan penelitian yaitu untuk mengetahui bagaimana Persepsi siswa tentang pemanfaatan koleksi perpustakaan SMP negeri 1 anggeraja kabupaten Enrekang, dan untuk mengetahui persepsi siswa tentang kesesuain koleksi buku teks pelajaran yang berlaku di perpustakaan SMP nege…
This research discussed about liberal feminism in 300: Rise of an Empire movie by Noam Murro which aimed to give information about liberal feminism shows in the movie
The study found four types of different language usages. Three of those types, compliment, polite form, and question, tended to be used by woman, whole another type, talk focus, was used by both of woman and man. Moreover, the study found two types of dominance, they were aggression and interruption which belong to man.
The researcher applied that the children expressed three levels of enthusiasm, they were, low, medium, and high enthusiasm. the researcher concluded that the children have high enthusiasm toward storytelling activities in rumah baca harapan Bulukumba.