Media sosial sudah menjadi bagian hidup manusia sehari-hari. Interaksi di dunia virtual (daring) sudah seperti interaksi di dunia nyata (liring). Karena itu, sebagaimana lazimnya dalam interaksi sosial antarmanusia, aktivitas di media sosial juga menimbulkan berbagai konsekuensi, termasuk konsekuensi hukum. Buku yang berjudul Aspek Hukum Media Sosial: Perdata dan Pidana ini dapat dijadikan sum…
This research focuses on the narrative structure that appeared in the novel The Body by Stephen King through Vladimir Propp‟s narrative structure perspective. This research applied qualitative method with the aims of describing the narrative functions and spheres of actions found in the novel and why the others are absent. The result shows that there are eleven from thirty-one narrative …
This research focuses on the narrative structure that appeared in the novel The Body by Stephen King through Vladimir Propp's narrative structure perspective. This research applied gualitative method with the aims of describing the narrative functions and spheres of actions found in the novel and why the others are absent. The result shows that there are eleven from thirty-one narrative functio…
The result of this research shows that the concept of nation in Ibrahim Fawal's novwl my salwa my Palestine consists of there element of nation is society. In this case society means that they have lived in a region for long time ago and they have right to build their own nation without any other supervision, the second is a devined territory.
Skripsi ini menunjukkan bahwa Nahdatul Ulama di Makassar dibentuk pada tanggal 31 Januari 1926 bertepatan 16 Rajab 1344 1953 H di Surabaya Jawa Timur kemudian masuk di Kota Makassar pada 21 Februari 1953. Perkembangan agama Islam di kota Makassar diperoleh dalam 3 bidang pertama pendidikan, kedua dakwah dan ketiga sosial masyarakat.