In ancient times, racism was still very strong in white American society. This can be seen the film Red Tails which depicts the situation of African American airmen in 1944 who were victims of racism. This research aims to examine the racial discrimination in the film Red Tails by Anthony Hemingway and the objectives of the research are (1) to describe the types of racism in the film Red Tails …
Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa: 1) Yerusalem adalah kota tua yang disucikan oleh agama-agama Abrahamik Yahudi, Kristen dan Islam. Hal tersebut didasarkan karena ketiganya memiliki akar sejarah yang terkait dengan kota Yerusalem. 2) Umat Islam pertama kali menguasai kota Yerusalem pada masa Kekhalifahan Umar bin Khattab pada tahun 638 M tanpa melalui jalur perang dan pertumpahan darah melainkan …
the result of this research shows that those forms of social depression above are found in this novel. the effect on this problem perfectly presented by the author through the interaction among different classes of society.