Based on the findings and discussion, the writer concluded that racial injustice is the action of white people that threaten physical/mentally and unfair action that disadvantages to black people.
Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pengelolaan koleksi perpustakaan belum efektif,hal ini dilihat kondisi koleksi belum tertata rapi di rak/shalving sebagaiman mestinya,disebabkan kurangnya pengetahuan pustakawan tentang ilmu perpustakaan,kemudian saran dan prasarana belum lengkap.Ruangan dan lokasi perpustakaan Madrasah Aliyah Muhammadiyah palampang juga belum memenuhi Standar Nasional Per…
This research revealed the discourse markers used in brad bird's movie "Tomorrow-land" which aimed to find out the types and function of discourse marker. this research based on the theory of biber et al. who talked about the types and schriffin's theory who described the function of disciurse markers.