Skripsi ini membahas tentang tingkat pemanfaatan aplikasi Enrekang Digital Library pada Dinas perpustakaan dan Kearsipan Kabupaten Enrekang pada sub indikator learnability diperoleh nilai total rata-rata sebesar 4,14 dikategorikan tinggi karena berada pada interval 3,40-4,20, hal ini berarti responden menyatakan setuju bahwa aplikasi Enrekang Digital Library mudah untuk dipelajari bagi penggun…
This research discussed about the Power of Literacy in novel The Little Paris Bookshop by Nina George. This research focused on analyzing the representation of Literacy as power in the novel of The Little Paris Bookshop. The data were analyzed using descriptive gualitative method. The theory that used in this research were Semantic theory by Geoffrey Leech (1974), and Rcading effect to people m…