Then, the self is signifying the unification of consciousness and unconsciousness in characters, and representing the psyche as a whole. The self is realized as the real individuation which in the process of personality integration. Another words, the self serves as unifying force that has a transcendent function which provides stability and balance to the various aspects of personality. In…
Hasil penelitian ini adalah menunjukkan bahwa 1. Kehidupan salahuddin Al Ayyubi dilatar belakangi dari keluarga yang suku Kurdi, dilahirkan pada tahun 1137 M bertempat di benteng Tirkit kemudian diasuh dan dibesarkan dari lingukungan keluarga yang mulia dan terhormat dengan pendidikan yang sangat baik sengingga melahirkan karir yang gemilang hal ini dipengaruhi oleh karakter mulia yang dimilikinya
This research discussed about Personality of Charàcters in a Nightmare on Elm street movie. This research aimed to find the personality on the conversation between the characters in movie. This research focused on analyzes personality of speaking toward the conversation by the characters in movie using Archetypes by Jung's theory. This theory explains clearly five styles of Archetypes: persona…