berbahasa mencerminkan intelijensia. cara berkomunikasi yang terstruktur rapi mencerminkan pikiran yang jernih dan smart. belajar english grammar bukan hanya penting untuk mengerjakan soal-soal ulangan, ujian, tes TOEFL, atau wawancara kerja. yang tak kalah pentig, belajar tata bahasa berarti belajar mngonstruksikan pikiran dan ide secara jernih, rapi, sistematis dan terstruktur.
Buku ini membahas tentang sastra inggris yang berupa puisi. Memuat beberapa contoh pusi.
pesona klasik dan ketampanan lelaki itu senantiasa menawan para gadis. namun Amerika, negri yang sejak perang dunia II menjadi negara adikuasa, telah membuatnya terluka dan kalah. Jack, lelaki itu pun menjelma menjadi elas dan melanglang ke negri yang damai, swiss untuk menikmati keindahan kuntum-kuntum bunganya. namun yang terjadi kemudian, sekuntum mawar berduri mematahkan sayapnya.
Buku ini berisi mengenai tata bahasa Inggris.
This research is an interlibguistics study which discusses the pronunciation errors made by the students of english and arabic departements, adab and humanities faculty. the main aim is to find out how does pronunciation errors produce by english and arabic departements students.
The research discussed about social changes that aimed to find out the social changes that happened in the movie "Selma". This research used the theory of conflict by Dahrendorf. Thr researcher apllied descriptive qualitative method in revealing the data. The researcher revealed that social change occured in the movie of 'Selma' due to many things who were portrayed by the director in the stor…
This research revealed the discourse markers used in brad bird's movie "Tomorrow-land" which aimed to find out the types and function of discourse marker. this research based on the theory of biber et al. who talked about the types and schriffin's theory who described the function of disciurse markers.
this research discussed about existentialism reflected in antagonist character in "How to traibn your dragon 2" Movie. This research based on sartre theory about characrteristic of existentialism which consist of six characteristic including, subjecticity, conscious being in the world.
This research discussed about mimicry and ambivalance which aimed to reveal the traces of colonization that the author presented in the novel "girl at war" that experienced by some characters.