وكان كثير شعره في العصر الجاهلي عن الفخراوالحماسةوانكارالرسول اي الحكمة
These expressions of our masculine or feminine identities goffman called gender display".in gender display
The researcher concluded that Lullaby song in Polewali Mandar Regency is one of folk song can be used as medium of education to chindren because this song contains ethic and moral values.
the result of this research is the writer found out there are 24 forms of register on IM that figured out from analysing the linguistic features on IM, and the writer also found the use of IM in terms of age and gender of participants.
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang diperoleh adalah perpustakaan SMAN 1 Tamalate Kabupaten Jeneponto dapat membantu dalam pemanfaatan koleksi di perpustakaan SMAN 1 Tamalate Kabupaten Jeneponto
the writer found there are the ten factors of anxiety emerge in participants' self and they have their own strategy to cope with anxiety
lslamíc education aims at educating people to be insankamil namely, a figure who has integrity in all aspects. Thus, religious education must be socialized in early age, n order children have a basic fundation of education especially in religious aspect. Islamic education is tiedly deals with values, meanwhile culture educates some norms and morals. It means that there is close relationship be…
this thesis can contribute to education as the analysis of literature works, especially for students of english and literature.
Buku pedoman ini hanya membahas tentang aturan-aturan dan prosedur-prosedur yang berlaku dalam penulisan karya tulis ilmiah di lingkungan akademik Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Alauddin Makassar. Untuk mengetahui tahap-tahap penting lain dalam pembuatan karya tulis ilmiah seperti yang disebut terdahulu, seorang calon penulis dianjurkan untuk membaca literatur-literatur tentang metodologi penel…
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan pembahasan diketahui bahwa tingkat pemanfaatan bahan pustaka di perpustakaan Sekolah Mts.DDI Baburridha Sawere Bulukumba.