This study discussed about author’s worldview on religion and science Dan Brown’s novel Origin. The objectives of the study are to find out the author’s worldview on religion and author’s worldview on science based on Genetic structuralism theory from Lucien Goldmann. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative method. The technique of data analysis in this study is …
ىذه الرسالة ختتص باحلديث عن الصور البالغية يف سورة البقرة عند تفسري الكشافللزسلشرى)دراسةحتليليةبالغية(.أماادلشكالتاليتجتعلهاالباحثةيفىذه الرسالةىي:كيفحياةالزسلشر…
This research discussed the Islamic value in the novel of Andrea Hirata, Rainbow Troops. The research aimed to identify the Islamic values embended in the novel. The focus of the research was the eight values, Iman, Islam, Ihsan, taqwa, ikhlas, tawakal, syukur, and sabar that derived from selected core meaning in Asmaul Husna The data were analyzed using descriptive qualitative method. The…
The researcher found that 4th stages of allegory in this novel. The first is literal meaning. As explained earlier that Tuesdays with Morrie is autobiography, indeed Ego (Mitch) becomes the general protagonist in the novel. Consequently, all Mitch's experiences, mental conditions, and meetings with Morie in the autobiography becomes the main structure or literal world in the novel. The whol…
The research was based on the influence of people habitus in made some works. Habitus is a characteristic, attitude, or act of people in present time that from what they have seen, heard or they did in the past time. The idea of writing a novel not only pure from the writer imagination but also got influenced from habitus of the writer. The research intended to show capital, class, and fiel…
After analyzing the information within the past chapter, the author takes a few conclusions almost the concept around romanticism there are characteristics of romanticism, they are as takes after: 1. In this novel the author found three characteristics of romanticism. They are as takes after: a. Back to nature like a individual near to the calmer environment in a more natural. b. Sentime…
Therefore, it can be concluded that language learning strategies is one of motivation to learn and to encourage students in learning process that usually comes from out of self or comes from inside. As addition, Learning strategies become the foundation for students to be an effective learner in Learning Speaking and to enhancing students learning strategy, it required to practice more abou…
this research discusses the language functions and aims to find out the kinds of language
This research discussed the use of code-switching by a lecturer in a speaking skill class at English and Literature Department of UIN Alauddin Makassar. The purpose of this research was to identify types of code-switchingِusingِHoffman’sِ Theory and functions of code-switchingِusingِAppleِandِMuysken’sِtheoryِusedِ by a lecturer in a speaking skill class. This research used qu…