Skripsi ini membahas tentang Bagaimana Pelestarian Koleksi Lokal di Dinas Perpustakaan dan Kearsipan Kabupaten Soppeng dengan rumusan masalah yang diangkat yaitu Apa jenis-jenis koleksi lokal, Bagaimana proses pelestarian koleksi lokal serta Bagaimana kendala-kendala yang dihadapi pustakawan dalam melestarikan koleksi lokal di Dinas Perpustakaan dan Kearsipan Kabupaten Soppeng.
Skripsi ini membahas bahwa makam Karaeng Passa terdapat di Desa Jombe Kecamatan Turatea Kabupaten Jeneponto yang terletak di atas bukit Karaeng Passa yang makamnya berukuran 2.35 meter bersampingan dengan makam istrinya berukuran 2,35 meter. Area makam Karaeng Passa terdapat rumah-rumah kecil yang dibuat oleh Karaeng Passa sebagai tempat untuk melaksanakan sholat pada zaman dahulu, kini berali…
الربدة هي قصيدة ربتوم على قصائد عن ادلديح أك الصلوات للفيب زلمد. إذا أردنا أف ن نفدم هعر قصيدة بردة فعليفا أف نفدم ا أنواع سلتلفة من ادلعرفة إدداها ك هو علم البياف ن فتظدر كهي نظرية زبترب تشابه هيء مع هيء آخر. تتكوف بر…
Mass media, especially movies, are messengers in the communication process. A movie with widespread influence can be a form of hegemony, primarily if it promotes a particular ideology or worldview. This study aims to discover the intellectual, the subaltern of the movie Bombshell and how the movie used as a hegemony site. The researcher used descriptive gualitative research mcthod and Gramsci's…
Skripsi ini membahas : 1) untuk mengetahui eksistensi tradisi Assaukang di Kelurahan Buluttana Kecamatan Tinggimoncong Kabupaten Gowa. 2) untuk mendeskripsikan tahap pelaksanaan tradisi Assaukang di Kelurahan Buluttana Kecamatan Tinggimoncong Kabupaten Gowa. 3) untuk menganalisis unsur-unsur budaya Islam yang terkandung dalam tradisi Assaukang di Kelurahan Buluttana Kecamatan Tinggimoncong Kabu…
This study examines the types and functions of verbal humor sentences by characters in Dumb and Dumber 2 Movie. This study aims to find the types of humor that are used by the humor in the Dumb and Dumber 2 Movie and to explain the function of humor of characters in Dumb and Dumber 2 movie. This study uses a gualitative descriptive method by applying the two theories: Shade (1996) about the typ…
Motivation is a crucial factor in the development of speaking skills for students, as it encourages them to pursue their goals. This research aimed to investigate the motivations that drive 15 fourth-semester students in the English and Literature department to develop their speaking skills and to understand how motivation affects students' abilities in developing speaking skills. Gardner and L…
This study was focused on types of Politeness Strategies and the function of strategy used by Charlie Rose and Jack Ma in English Speech Talk Show. The results of this research showed there were three politeness strategies used by the speakers in this English Speech Talk Show: They were positive politeness as many 19 utterances, negative politeness as many 14 utterances and off-record as ma…
This study aims to describe the process of acquiring English as a foreign language for preschool-age students at Khalifah Kindergarten. There were 6 respondents in the study; 4 students, 1 teacher, and 1 parent. This study used the descriptive qualitative method and the data obtained in the analysis using 5 hypotheses by Krashen. The results showed that from an early age, teachers began to …