This research discusses human nature, deviant nature in power contestation that appears and becomes the concept of everyday life phenomena in George Orwell's novel “Animal Farm”. This research was conducted to reveal the meaning of what was conveyed by the author of the novel to describe how the ideal and nonideal living conditions were in accordance with what was conveyed by Geoge Orwell t…
This research focused on the process of dreamwork in The Vegetarian Novel by Han Kang. The objectives of this research focused on two points, they are categorizing the process of dreamwork and analyzing the dream interpretation of the main character in The Vegetarian Novel. This study uses gualitative interpretative method. The data sources are The Vegetarian Novel by Han Kang translation in En…
tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan memahami penelusuran jurnal elektronik di perpustakaan utsman bin affan universitas muslim indonesia makssar serta untuk mengetahui dan memahami inovasi dan kreativitas pustakawan dalam membantu pemustaka melakukan pengelolaan jurnal elektronik di perpustakaan utsman bin affan universitas muslim makssar indonesia
the result of this research showed that; 1) the symptoms of dyslexia portrayed in the main character of the novel includes reading difficulty, writing difficulty and spelling difficulty. Basides, the researcher also found that the dyslexic character also showed strength in cognitive are such as critical thinking, good comprehension, good observation, and good at arts. 2) in the process of overc…
Skripsi ini membahas tentang Pengaruh minat baca terhadapa prestasi belajar siswa di perpustakaan SD Negeri 50 Tarawang Kabupaten Soppeng. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui minat baca siswa SDN 50 Tarawang Kabupaten Soppeng. penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian kualitatif. hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa minat baca siswa di perpustakaan SD Negeri 50 Tarawang Kabup…
This research is about the absorption of english word into indonesia in indonesia newspaper, at Fajar opinion column. Kata kunci: absorption of english
skipsi ini membahas tentang Peranan Sutan Abdul Qahir dalam pengembangan islma di Bima. yujuna penelitian ini adalaah untuk mengungkapkan peran sultan abdul qohir dalam pengembangan islma di Bima. jenis penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian kualitatif, narasi, deskriptif dan analisis, dengan menggunakan pendekatan sejarah, yaitu heuristik, kritik sumber, interprestasi, historiografi. hasi…
basic on the findings and discussion of this thesis, the resarcher finds there are many different views on what woman is, what her function is, and where her position is tn the society. there are some views about woman from man's point of view. and based on historical values which are grown up in people's mind. especially men that the world is created by the Almighty God for men only, women tre…
based on the findings and discussion in this thesis, the writer finds the moral values in this drama that the problems among the characters are commonly influenced by conflict, revenge, love, and hatred. the writer also concludes the abnormal condition and deviational effect of moral values that done by people around them are basics foundation in the problem result of a distinct view of religio…
Skripsi ini menunjukkan bahwa pencarian dengan kata kunci yang umum akan menghasilkan nilai retrieved yang lebih banyak dari pencarian kata kunci yang lebih khusus. Akan tetapi, tingkat relevant dari pencarian dengan kata kunci yang lebih khusus sedikit lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan pencarian kata kunci umum.