The finding revealed that judy hoops in pursuing her ambition faced streotype, prejudice, decrimination, violence, and segregation. this main character carried out some ways to pursue her ambition such as; gets the sheep's tickets, goes to police academy training, has parking duty, gets jumbo pop nick and his son, bick to get a new job, find out 14 missing mammals, finds out the cause of the pr…
this research was about the interview of donald trump which aimed to find out the way of donald trump used politeness strategies in interview with news anchor of ABC news.
This research discussed about Culture Shock Experienced by Foreigners in Makassar City, which aimed to find out the process of culture shock experienced by Foreigners in Makassar city. This research used qualitive method and focused on Collen Ward’s theory. The researcher used interview sheet as instrument of the research to four respondents who are have been stay in Makassar city. The resear…
hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hadirnya perpustakaan berbasis komunitas di kota makassar dilatar belakangi oleh kepedulian komunitas terhadap keterbatasan ruang publik yang tersedia di kota makassar, adanya rasa prihatin dengan rendahnya minat baca masyarakat dan perpustakaan di jadikan sebagai alat untuk mendukung aktivitas komunitas, kendala dan kesulitan yang di hadapi perpustakaan berba…
the finding of this research was that mispronunciation data expressed by the teacher. as after collecting data through the test data and recording, the researcher found that the teacher's mispronunciation about the name of numbers, the name of animals, nouns, days, and alphabets will the following table and will show the teacher's mispronunciation in teaching process at Mitra Kindergarten.
The implication of this research is to inform to readers who are interested about speech problems in social life, in order they can get more information about what are directive function of the category of taxonomy of illocutionary acts from thye Obama's speech as native speakers. Furthermore, the writer hopes this thesis could give more information to reader of literacy work.
Skripsi ini membahas tentang sistem pelestarian bahan pustaka pada badan perpustakaan dan arsip daerah provinsi Sulawesi Selatan. Pokok Masalah dalam penenlitian ini adalah bagaimana system pelestarian bahan pustaka dibadan perpustakaan dan arsip daerah provinsi Sulawesi Selatan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui sistem pelestarian bahan pustaka dibadan arsip daerah provinsi S…
Skripsi ini menunjukkan bahwa koleksi yang tersedia pada perpustakaan tidak relevan dengan kebutuhan pemustaka karena koleksi yang dimiliki perpustakaan UIN Alauddin Makassar masih kurang, sehingga pemustaka tidak dapat menemukan informasi sesuai dengan kebutuhan pemustaka.
Skripsi ini menunjukkan bahwa profesionalitas pustakawan bagian layanan sirkulasi di perpustakaan universitas muhammadiyah makassar masih rendah, pemaparan tersebut dibuktikan dengan melihat hasil kesimpulan dari ketiga jawaban informan yakni pustakawan bagian sirkulasi dan kepala perpustakaan.