Buku ini membahas tentang buku teks bahasa inggris yang berhubungan dengan keilmuannya.
buku ini membahas tentang tata cara dan teknik pidato didepan umum buku ini juga memuat contoh-contoh materi berpidato
Cerita Laskar Pelangi sangat inspiratif. Andrea Hirata menulis sebuah novel mengobarkan semangat mereka yang selalu dirundung kesulitan dalam menempuh pendidikan.
Buku ini pada dasarnya berisi 3 novelet dengan judul, tokoh dan setting yang berbeda. Ketiga novelet ini ialah Takbir Cinta Zahrana, Dalam Mihrab Cinta dan Mahkota Cinta.
Skripsi ini berjudul analisisi tingkat pemanfaatan koleksi terbitan berseri di badan perpustakaan dan arsip daerah provinsi sulawesi selatan, rumusan masalah dan pemanfaatan koleksi terbitan berseri yaitu koran, majalah, tabloid, dan jurnal ilmiah.
This research discussed about Japanese Non-Verbal Communication by the main characters in the novel of Totto-chan and the Light on curtain of Sakura (an analysis of kinesics). This research is aimed to describe the types and the functions of kinesics that used by the main characters in novel Totto-chan and the Light of Sakura. This research focuses on the types and functions of kinesics as the …
This research aims to find out the symbolic meanings of Pakarena Traditional Dance Performed in Gowa raya. This research was analysed based on Ferdinand de saussure's theory about signifier and dignified. This research applied qualitative method and used simiotic approach to analyze the data.
This research was about the hermeneutics meaning which aimed to desribe about the hermeneutics meaning of Robet Frost's selected poems. This research used theory hermeneutics. The researcher used note taking as an instrument to get the valid data and analyzed by Gadamer theory.
Yhe implication of this research is to give understanding on the term of collective unsconsciousness as one of theory of C.G. Jung to readers or next researchers whom would like to know and research more about it.