Skripsi ini membahas tentang faktor apa saja yang mempengaruhi perilaku mahasiswa/i dalam pemanfaatan Youtube sebagai Sarana Temu Balik Informasi Multimedia dalam mengakses informasi olahraga dan bagaimana persepsi mahasiswa/i Ilmu Keolahragaan Universitas Negeri Makassar terhadapat kredibilitas dan kualitas kredibilitas sumber informasi yang tersedia di Youtube
in this research, the writer has several items of problems that have to be answered. one of them is the present of the kind of symbol in Tongkonan House in Tana Toraja regency by using Roland Barthes theory about signifier as symbol (form) and signified as (concept).
this thesis is a research about the representation of slef and other in the novel "Eat, Pray, Love" by elizabeth gilbert, using edward said's theory. the purpose of this research was to find: 1) the self and the other presented by authorin the in the novel Eat, Pray, Love by elizabeth gilbert and 2) how gilbert show the self and the other in the novel eat, Pray, Love.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap Peran Muhammadiyah dalam pembinaan umat Islam di Kecamatan Tanete Rilau Kabupaten Barru pada masa Orde Baru. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode sejarah untuk mengungkap fakta sejarah tentang peranan Peran Muhammadiyah dalam pembinaan umat Islam di Kecamatan Tanete Rilau Kabupaten Barru pada masa Orde Baru dengan penelitian kualitatif. hasil penelitian me…
skripsi iin membahas tentang Sistem Pengadaan Bahan Pustaka di Perpustakaan Universitas Islam Makassar. adapun pokok masalah yang diambil yaitu bagaimana sistem pengadaan bahan pustaka di perpustakaan universitas islam negeri makassar
This research discussed about The philosophical values of mbojo's song Wadu Ntanda Rahi at Bima Society (Hermeneutical approach). This research aimed to figure out the philosophical value containe in mbojo's song Wadu ntanda Rahi at Bima society and describe the function of the song. This research focused Paul Ricoeur theory about hermeneutical approach. Then, the were analyzed using descriptiv…
The researcher revealed that that there were some medias to make them recall the event of war based on their experiences, namely, seeing, the announcement and the ketters, listening to the soong from the past, and remembering the thing from the past.
Skripsi ini membahas tentang Preservasi bahan pustaka di kantor perpustakaan dan arsip daerah kab. Takalar. tujuna penelitian in untuk mengetahui bagaimana preservasi bahan pustaka dan kendala yang dihadapi dalam preservasi di kantor perpustakaan dan arsip daerah kab. Takalar. jenis penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. hasilpenelitian ini menunjukkan ba…
the finding showed sheet and interview sheet as the jargon. that four form were one acronym, one abbrevation, mineteen word, and sisxten phrases. the finding also showed the baristas used three sessions in working area which there were 20 data in blending session, 7 data in training session dan 10 data in serving session. based on the result, word from was the most requent that occured in their…