This research discussed about figurative language and describe the meaning in Zain Bhikha's selected songs. The data were analyzed using descriptive qualitative method. The researcher used note taking as the instrument of the research to find out the valid data. This researcher focused in Leech and Short's theory about the figure of speech from the lyrics of the songs. The data were obtained fr…
Hsil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa literatur anak memberikan peranan terhadap perkembangan kecerdasan emosional anak, khusus dalam lima aspek penting kecerdasan emosional yaitu : mengenali emosi, mengelola emosi, motivasi, empati atau mengenali emosi orang lain dan membina hubungan. siswa kelas 3 SDN 56 AMdining menunjukkan bahwa mampu mengekspresikan emosi mereka melalui cerita yang dibaca,…
The researcher finds fourteen kinds figurative languages are simile , metaphor, personification, allegory, synecdoche, sarcasm, alliteration, litotes, apostrophe, hyperbola, oxymoron, and paradox.
This thesis studid about analysis of satire in stand-uo comedy (Case study in three comedian of Indosiar TV Programme). The objektive of this research is to find out the types of satire in three stand up comedian in I ndosiar TV and to find out the language fuction of satire in three stand up comedian in Indosiar TV. In this researc, the researcher applid descriptive qualitative research that p…
thete are five types of gratitude expressions that are mostly used by characters in the novel. they are thanking somebody explicitly, expressing gratitude, acknowledging debt of gratitude, stressing one's gratitude, and, expression emotion. then the characters used the gratitude expression to show their appreciation to the hearers after they got something material or immaterial from the hearers…
Penelitian ini tentang peran Munawir Sjadzali dalam perkembangan Islam di Indonesia. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, Munawir Sjadzali adalah seorang tokoh agama yang dihormati, seorang diplomat yang terampil, seorang politikus yang bijak,dan seorang intelek yang jenius yang dalam mengembangkan ajaran islam di indonesia berpijak pada metode pemikirannya sendiri yaitu: pertama, kontekstualisasi aja…
ekonomi makro merupakan cabang ilmu ekonomi yang sangata berperan dalam kehidupan rumah tangga, masyarakat, negara dan dunia internasioanl.
this research discusses the language styles and aims to find out the kind of language style expressed in commencement speech by famous people.this research is based on Joos's (1976) theory. the data were analyzed using a qualitative descriptive method.