Buku ini berisi mengenai pemahaman dasar dalam bidang ilmu sejarah, namun tidak semata bagi para pemula dalam bidang ilmu ini.
Buku sirah Muhammad ini merekam seluruh jejak perjalanan dakwah Rasulullah di dunia. Mengupas secara lengkap sejak sebelum kelahiran Muhammad hingga tetes terakhir perjuangan beliau menegakkan syariat Islam, dengan segala rintangan dan tantangannya.
Buku in berisi mengenai sejarah bangkit dan runtuhnya kepemimpinan Khilafah Utsmaniyah.
This research was about the use of code switching as the language choice which aimed to find out the types and functions of code switching used by politicians in Satu Indonesia and Bicara 4 Mata Program. This research based on the types and functions of code switching based on the theory of types and functions of code switching by Appel and Muysken in 2006.
The writer found that Lord Voldemort was born with name Tom Marvolo Riddle. He was a handsome man, but with his powers he became arrogant, ambition, disappointment, fear, and betrayal.
Based on the findings and discussion in this thesis, the writer finds cultural system and implementation of cultural is ethnical system, knowledge of postocololism to literature analysis. The relevance postocolonialism analysis to compare it very relevant with indonesia literature for example, africa, east america, and south easth asia and it sign that the development of social political and ec…
This research discusses the social conflict and aims to find out the social conflict in mike norri's amerigeddon movie. the researcher applied a descriptive qualitative method where the data were analyzed through lewis coser's theory of social conflict.
The researcher has chosen the lyric of Ed sheeran's song because he has a high quality and becomes one of the most popular singers in the world. the objective of this research is to explain the language functions and the dominant of each functions of Ed sheeran's song lyrics.
This research was about children ability in memorizing the stories of upin ipin movie using clark and lockhart theory (short and long term memory theory). the writer applied desriptive qualitative mehod in revealing data.