Buku ini mempertegas ihwal penelitian sebagai suatu sistem yang terintegratif. Di mana ketetapan hasil penelitian bukan hanya ditentukan oleh satu aspek, melainkan dipengaruhi ole berbagai faktor di dalam dan di luar objek penelitian. menyadari kaidah ini, sistematika kajian dan pembahasan mengenai metode penelitian ini disajikan secara konseptual mencakupi metode kuantitatif, kualitatif, dan p…
The result of this study shows, that: motivation of Frankie and Aurora can be seen from their intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation from Frankie are to follow his passion for music, getting better life, finding his identity and the truth, and to reach his dreams. Aurora's intrinsic motivation are to help Frankie in his musical life and to live his life with full happiness. Ex…
This study was designed to describe the kind of sign-in Naela Al''s illustranon works. The main purpose of this research is to discuss semiotic and to find out the kind of sign the illustrator wants to convey in the illustration of the book Stones of Rainy Days. Oualitative descriptive research with material objects in the form of colors, illustrations, layout, and typography as well as formal …
The result of this research showed that Sylvia Plath choose the words or phrases, which are suitable and make one more sentences show the romantic things of poem. the poets create some diction to create a figurative image of her father. the particular meaning in Sylvia Plath's poem the writer found were death, love, fascism, brutality, war, and marriage.
Skripsi ini membahas tentang Peran pustakawan dalam meningkatkan minat kunjung peserta didik di perpustakaan SMA 4 Bulopoddo kabupaten Sinjai. tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana peran pustakawan dalam meningktakan minat kunjung di perpustakaan SMA 4 Bulupoddo kabupaten Sinjai dan untuk mengetahui bagaimana minat kunjung peserta didik di perpustakaan serta untuk mengetahui h…
pokok permasalahan yang dibahas dalam skripsi ini adalah pemanfaatan perpustakaan sekolah sebagai sarana motivasi peningkatan minat baca siswa di SMU Negeri I Kahu, Kab. Bone.
Dalam buku Leksion Sastra ini, dimuat berbagai istilah yang lazim dipakai dalam membahas karya sastra prosa, puisi ataupun drama dalam menelaah berbagai teori sastra maupun dalam mengkaji hubungan karya-karya sastra Indonesia klasik dan daerah. Kata kunci: Leksikon sastra, teori sastra
the findings of this thesis were illustrates the prefixes and suffixes process to form new words in both language English and Bimanese.
This thesis is a research about the analisis of social class in the novel “Breaking Dawn” by stephenie Meyer. The objectives of this recearsh are (1) to know the kinds of conflict in stepeine Mayer’s novel “breaking Dawn”, (2) to know the most dominant kids of conflict existed in stephenie Maye’s novel ‘Braking Dawn” . The method used in this research is qualitative method. The…