Representation of Nusantara n Selected Cards of Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game
Games are a means of entertainment that can be used by all social groups and games have changed a cukure today. The repsentation s a form of representation on an object that 8 mmtated on the object bemg represented. with a game approach that leads to the representation of fhe Nusantara. the researcher concentrates on this study. 1) What kind of cards m Yu-Gr-Oh trading card game whacis represent Nusantara? 2) How the cards n Yu-Gi-Oh trading card game represents Nusargara?”. Thss research use descriptive gualitative approach. The theory of this research & 2 sennotc study by Charles Sander Pierce (1931). Results from ttis research have 9 data from object Yu-GrOt! Trading card game some. The semiotic tradition includes the mam theory of how the sis represent the objects, ideas, situations, crcumstances, feelings, etc. that are outside the self. The object of th research s unigue because & chooses from old Games, one of the popular card games m Japan caled Yu-Gi-Oh! The past few years smce created Yu-GrOh! mcreasingty famous n foreen counftries on one of best trading card game, s0 ts ako miterestng to be used as a research. Tins research aims to powt out the cukural, plants or animal side of Nusantara and 'discuss about Nusantara from the scope of the game's pomt of view. because research shows which card Yu-GiOh! that represents its relation to Nusantara by using Sanders Pierce's theory of semiotcs on visually, 30 form or naming. so that this research adds to and has a perspective ar aspect m the world of Ibrary research
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