Meaning Eguivalence in “How Far Y'll go” Iyrics by AlJesia Cara to “Seberapa jauh kumelangkah” Iyrics by Maudy Ayunda
This research discussed meaning eguivalence in “how far VII go” Iyrics by Allesia Cara to “seberapa jauh kumelangkah” lyrics by Maudy Ayunda. This research aims to find out the kinds of eguivalence used in “how far P'll go” Iyrics by Allesia Cara to “seberapa jauh kumelangkah” Iyrics by Maudy Ayunda and to know the dominant eguivalence used in the song lyrics based on Mona Baker's theory. This research used gualitative method and used note taking instrument to analyze the data found in both song lyrics. The researcher classified the data according to Mona Baker's theory about meaning eguivalence that classify 4 types of eguivalence: word level eguivalence, grammatical eguivalence, pragmatic eguivalence and textual eguivalence. From both song Iyrics the researcher found 12 data that identified as word level eguivalence, 6 data identified as textual eguivalence, 8 data identified as pragmatics eguivalence and 2 data that identified used grammatical eguivalence but there are 2 data above that used two types of meaning eguivalence.
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