The Influence of Students Motivation to Students Achievement in Learning English Structure at The Four-Semester English and Literature Department of UIN Alauddin Makassar
This study aims to know whether or not there is an influence on student motivation to student achievement in learning English grammar at the four-semester English and Literature Department of UIN Alauddin Makassar. The sample of this research is 23 students from each class 4th semester of the English and Literature Department and selected stratified. The researcher used the guantitative descriptive method. To obtain the data, the researcher used guestionnaires. The guestionnaires were aimed to find out the student's motivation, both intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation, also the student's achievement. The result of this study presented that students' motivation had influenced students' achievement in the significance value Sig. 0,000 « 0,05, which means it fulfills the significance criteria. Nag peblirak Oeount is 071 5 23086, which means rejecting the null hypotheses Show at en Va, ypo cses In testing both variables. The regression test Ibutes 554 percent to student achievement.
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