Semiotics of Tempus as Seen in K. A. S. Quinn’s Novel “The Queen at War”
This thesis studied about analysis semiotics in the novel “The Queen at War” by K. A. S Quinn. The problem of this thesis is: what are interpretation of the signifier and signified in the novel “The Queen at War”?. The object of this research is to know of interpretation the signifier and signified in the novel “The Queen at War. ”The researcher used descriptive qualitative method. In this research, the instrument that used by the writer was note taking. From this instrument, the writer read the novel carefully and the writer wrote down the text of the novel related to signifier and signified. In this thesis, the researcher fount out there were two part of semiotics theory found in the novel “The Queen at War” by K. A. S Quinn there are signifier and signified. They are 13 signifiers and signifieds. Found in the novel The Queen at War by K. A. S Quinn in the table. In conclusion, As a Tempus, Katie shown some signs before she back hurtling toward space of time. Of a walking stick, a card, a girl who suddenly appeared in her bed , mirror, light, until the writing appears like smoke coming out of the mouth of a girl who expects help. After a struggle as the people who elected solve puzzle which made he call, finally Katie hurting toward a space of time as a Tempus.
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