Gender Power Relation In “The Wife“ Movie : Gender Studies By Michael Ryan
Analyzing movies such as "The Wife" to portray gender power dynamics is very important in this study. The movie reflects and critigues real-world dynamics offers insight into the challenges women face, and encourages conversation to dismantle unegual power structures. This study aims to analyze the film The Wife by using Michael Ryan's gender approach. This approach is used to understand how films reflect gender power relations. Besides that, the researcher describes the results of this study using a gualitative descriptive method. Researchers found that there are four gender gaps which are indicators of the occurrence of gender power relations. The four indicators include subordination, marginalization, stereotypes, and psychological violence. The researcher concludes that The Wife film depicts complex gender power relations that harm women by depicting the impact of subordination, marginalization, stereotypes, and psychological violence in the relationship between men and women. This reflects the struggle for gender eguality and the need for social change in a society that is still influenced by patriarchal structures.
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