Role of English YouTube Videos for 78 Years Old Children in Acguiring English Vocabulary as Second Language
Acguiring English as Second Language (ESL) refers to acguiring any language with a non-native. There are stages to acguire the language. It can be obtained from the environment which is through continuous practice. This research aimed to find out the role of English YouTube videos toward vocabulary acguisition by 7-8 years old children. This research used a gualitative method to describe the result of the research. The data were collected from 6 respondents: 5 students and 1 parent. The result showed that YouTube as a medium for children in acguiring English vocabulary. It can be seen from the interview that YouTube can be a stimulus for children. Thus, they can imitate words and develop English vocabulary such as making simple sentences. It can be said that YouTube is not only as medium for entertainment but also as a medium for children to encourage their knowledge in this case vocabulary acguisition.
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