The Use of Song on Tiktok Application as a Learning Media to Tie Improve Tecnagers” English Language Acguisition in Learning In Lembanna Bulukumba
This rescarch discussed about The Usc of Song on Tiktok Application as a Learning Media to Improve Teenagers' English Language Acguisition in Learning In Lembanna Bulukumba. This research focused on finding the effectiveness of Tiktok as a medium for acguiring English Language. The data were analyzed using descriptive guantitative method. The main instrument of the research is test which including pretest and post-test, and guestionnaire. The data was analyzed using formula by Hatch and Farhadi (1982) for each instrument. The findings showed an improvement on the students result of pre-test and post-test, where the result of the pre-test was 74,81”5, and the post-test was 81,8095. For the guestionnaire itself, the teenagers enjoy the use of Tiktok application on learning, but not all of them agreed on using the application as a learning medium. Despite the teenangers responds of Tiktok as being unncessary for language acguisition, Tiktok application is showing improvement of teenangers English language acguisition, because based on the data that have been collected and calculated, Tiktok is considered effective as a language acguisition tool. The Tiktok application is effective because of how easy to use the application, and how popular the application is among the teenagers. TikTok, as a growing technology product, has huge potential for modern digital citizens in a variety of fields due to its appeal among youths. Modern English language instructors, academics, and institutions should pay attention to the possible use of TikTok in the English education sector for children, as well as the opportunities to establish an innovative digital learning system in TikTok for teens.
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