Connotative and Denotative Mcaning Pappasseng In Buginese.
This study focuscd on the connotative and decnotative mcaning in The Pappaseng script of the Bugincse pcople. The research has two objective, they are to describe connotative and denotative meaning included in Pappeseng of Buginess, and to show the reasons why the Pappeseng is recited in Buginess Language. The descriptive gualitative mcthod was used to analyze the data. The Pappeseng scripts was analyzed by utilizng the theory of connotative and dennotative meaning by of Gorys Keraf (2010). The primary research instrument are observation and interviews. The findings revealed a total of 18 data regarding to Pappaseng. The research result revealed that the Pappaseng contains various connotative meaning, they are moral or Character education, honoring or respecting others, and critics to society. The users of doangang recite doangang in bugines language because they want to mantain their own language. As a means to communicate with the god in their prayer, and also as culture maintenance of their great predecessors
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