Toxic Relationship In Colleen Hoover’s It Ends With Us (2019
Toxic relationship is any relationship between people who do not support each other, where there is conflict and one seeks to undermine the other, where there is competition, where there is disrespect and a lack of cohesiveness. This thesis aims to analyze how toxic realtionship create
conflict in the novel It Ends With Us By Colleen Hoover (2019). This
research uses a qualitative method with theory of conflict by William
Kenney. The data were collected by the researcher by reading the novel and
making a note of the sentences and paragraphs that represented and related
to the forms of conflict caused by the toxic relationship experienced by the
main character. In the results of this study, the researcher found two
conflicts that occurred as a result of the toxic relationship namely, internal
conflict and external conflict. Internal conflict includes the inner conflict
experienced by Lily Bloom's character in her toxic relationship with Ryle
Kincaid. while external conflict includes the violence experienced by Lily
Bloom, both physically and psychologically.
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