Victory Strategies In Victoria Aveyard Realm Breaker Novel
Imaginative fiction and fantasy stories typically feature mystical and magical
aspects. It shows a special story, explaining the extraordinary journey of a person.
This research aims to analyze the journey of Corayne, the main character in the
Realm Breaker novel who travels to save the world. This research also aims to
illustrate that stories in the modern era still have hero stories that are in accordance
with the hero journey theory. This research is a type of research using literary
criticism, which also uses hero journey theory to answer research questions. The
purpose of this study is to explain the events of the journey Corayne goes through in
the Realm Breaker novel and also how Corayne responds to the events she
experiences. In this case, the researcher uses Joseph Campbell's theory of a hero's
journey. This study concludes that Corayne is a very tough hero. Although she
managed to complete 11 out of 17 stages of the hero journey theory successfully
because 6 stages are explained in the next novel series. Corayne is also an optimisitc,
rational, and asking for help as evidenced when Corayne faces difficulties on her
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