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Using song as an authentic material in the adult EFL classroom
As an English as a Foreign Language (EFL), English is generally taught as a subject matter. In the school curiicula, English stands equally with other subjects like Biology and Mathematics. Unfortunately, the benefil of English in real life situation is unsatisihetoty. EFL learners rarely use the target language in the classroom and outside. The unsatisfactory results of the teaching of EFL, teachers and educators tend to identil’ the methodology as the focus. English educators turned to the communicative approach as the alternative approach to develop the communicative competence of students rather than the traditional one. Some educators also pay attention on Integrated Skills approach as the alternative. Integrated Skills are the activities which linked up or related in such meaningful way to bring linguistic skills and communicative abilities into close association with each other in language teaching that reflect the real use of the language (RaSyid, 1991).
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