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Ahmad Wahib dan gagasan liberalisme
Ahmad Wahib was a phenomenal and kontroversial figure that had been populer with his liberal ideas. With his “Limited Group” Wahid disclosed some ideas that aimed at reactualizing the Islamic values that so far has just been comprehended just as a ritual doctrine. In wahib’s opinion, the Islamic values must be understood comprehensively, not partly and separatedly as what moslems have pracitced so far. To actualize the idea, moslems must have the freedom of thinking. Such this freedom cannot be limited by a sectarian thinking or school’s opinion. According to wahib, human being must appreciate his thinking and use it as widely as possible. Anyhow, he still believed that human being is limited. ljtihad must be always opened and unrigid, because, according to him, Islamic teaching delivered by the Prophet was always in line with the situational and contextual asoect.
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