Language Style of Men and Women In Instagram
This research discussed the language styles of men and women in Instagram. The method that was used in this research was descriptive gualitative method. The aimed of this research are to explore the language style of men and women in Instagram and to understand the similarities and differences of language style of men and women in Instagram. The researcher collected the data from the Captions on 6 selected Instagram accounts. After analyzed the data based on the theory proposed by Leech (2003), the researcher found that men and women used all kind of language features through their captions, namely: lexical categories (noun, verb, adjective, adverb), grammatical categories (sentence types, sentence Complexity, and phrases), figures of speech, context and cohesion. The result of this research also found that women used more abstract nouns than men, men commoniy combine 2 types of sentence, while women commonly combine 3 types Of sentence, women use more simple sentence than men, and women users have more sentences as figure of speech than men user.
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