The Anah sx of Language S mbl Used in Mappuke deg Boyang traditional in Mandar Fihmic
This rescarch discussed about the mcaning of lanyuayge symbol used Mappake deg Buyang tradiion mn Mandar Ethnic which aimcd to descnibe about the meaning of language symbol used in Muppake deg Borang tradition and the interpretation of Mandar socicty toward Muppake deg Bovang traditon. This rescarch used Barthcs theory about the kinds of mcaning. The rescarch applicd descnptive gualitattve method in revcaling the data. The rescarcher used observation and interview as the instruments to gct the valid data. The findings showed that there are fifeen symbols was used in Mappake'deg Boyang traditon with its denonatative and connotative meaning The rescacher concluded that ali of symbol have meaning which cach symbol used to convey the intention and purpose of the inhabirant of the house, the purpose of symbols are to expect abundani harvest prosperity or something that 1 addressed to Allah SWT through the symbol.
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