The purpose of this research is to examine the first language interference especially the types of grammatical interference with speaking English of eighth- semester students (2022-2023) of the English and Literature department. The researcher applied a qualitative method and used recording and interview test techniques to collect the data. This research used Weinreich theory to identif…
Motivation has an important role in learning the language. As Harmer (2001) states that, the success or failure of someone in learning English depends on their motivation levels. This research is aimed to analyze motivation affect the students” ability in grammatical structure and which motivation influence students” ability. The objectives of the research is to identify effect of motivatio…
This research aimed to find out the grammatical errors in students writing and the most dominat error made by the trid semester students of English and Literature Dapertment in writing text.
This research discussed about grammatical cohesion on students' academic writing skill. The data were analyzed using descriptive gualitatve method. The population of the research is Fifth semester students of English Literature Department UIN Alauddin Makassar in the academic year 2018/ 2019. The main instrument of the research is the researcher herself, where the researcher gives writing test …
This research discussed the language styles of men and women in Instagram. The method that was used in this research was descriptive gualitative method. The aimed of this research are to explore the language style of men and women in Instagram and to understand the similarities and differences of language style of men and women in Instagram. The researcher collected the data from the Captions o…
The study reveals findings: 4.87% errors in using article, 9.75% errors in using possessive, 4.87% errors in using adjective, 2.43% errors in using adverb, 4.87 errors in using past participle, 9.75% errors in using determiner, 4.87% errors in using number, 4.87% errors in using pronoun, 7.41% errors in using preposition, 7.31% errors in using transformation. it can be seen that the most freque…
based on the findings and discussion in this thesis, the writer found that the mean score of students' grammar mastery was 80 that classified as good which lies between 70-85, and the mean score of students' translation was 67 that classified as fair which lies between 56-69, and writer also found that there was correlation between students' grammar mastery and their translation ability at the …
This research aimed to find out the grammatical errors in students writing and the most dominant error made by the third semester students of english and literature department in writing text. The research based on Dulay's theory about the surface strategies of taxonomy which were classified into four different categories such as omission, addition, misformation and misordering