Toxic relationship is any relationship between people who do not support each other, where there is conflict and one seeks to undermine the other, where there is competition, where there is disrespect and a lack of cohesiveness. This thesis aims to analyze how toxic realtionship create conflict in the novel It Ends With Us By Colleen Hoover (2019). This research uses a qualitative method with…
Humans have a responsibility to take care of nature and the creatures that inhabit the planet. This includes maintaining biodiversity, reducing negative impacts on the environment, supporting animal protection, and living sustainably. Through understanding and applying these principles, humans can contribute to the preservation of nature and live a more balanced relationship with the natural su…
Analyzing movies such as "The Wife" to portray gender power dynamics is very important in this study. The movie reflects and critigues real-world dynamics offers insight into the challenges women face, and encourages conversation to dismantle unegual power structures. This study aims to analyze the film The Wife by using Michael Ryan's gender approach. This approach is used to understand how fi…
This study focuses on comparison of the relationship between mother and child in folktales The Legend of Malin Kundang and The Golden Bread. The objective of the study is to find out the relationship between mother and child that can change the fate of children in folktales. This study is a library study and it used qualitative method and uses Monomyth theory by Joseph Campbell to find the…
The purpose of this study is to identify the human-nature relationship as reflected in the picture books from Indonesia “Kemana Tomat Pergi” and from England “The Tooth Fairies and Cleaning Factory”. This study used a descriptive gualitative method. The researcher employs ecocritical theory, particularly Cheryl! Glotfelty's theory and Keraf's supporting theory, to examine how humans and…
The central issue in this research contains the reconstruction of symbolic violence in romantic relationships in the term of heteronormativity represented by the media as the arena of “sign-game” especially the streaming media which currently dominated the consumers related to the adjustment of the pandemic situation which broadly changes social habits. This study analyzes the first season …
This study focuses on comparison of the relationship between mother and child in folktales The Legend of Malin Kundang and The Golden Bread. The objective of the study is to find out the relationship between mother and child that can change the fate of children in folktales. This study is a library study and it used gualitative method and uses Monomyth theory by Joseph Campbell to find the rela…
The research discussed about “Hermeneutics interpretation in lathi lyrics”. This research aims to interpret the lyrics of lathi songs. In analyzing the data, the research uses the hermeneutic theory of Schleiermacher. This study used descriptive gualitative method. The main instrument of this research is taking notes to collect data and analyze it based on the theory used. This study found …
This researcher aims to determine how the representation of toxic relationship in lathi music video by weird genius. this researcher was a descriptive qualitative method by using semiotic theory by charles sanders pierce a triadic model that consists of three main elements there are representament/sign, object and interpretant.
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