The objectives of this research are to identify and assess the basic competency profile in English Language and Literature among English literature students and to address the challenges encountered by students in developing these competencies. This research focuses on the basic competencies of students majoring in English Language and Literature based on the basic competence theory by Spiro (1…
Motivation is a crucial factor in the development of speaking skills for students, as it encourages them to pursue their goals. This research aimed to investigate the motivations that drive 15 fourth-semester students in the English and Literature department to develop their speaking skills and to understand how motivation affects students' abilities in developing speaking skills. Gardner and L…
This research discussed about grammatical cohesion on students' academic writing skill. The data were analyzed using descriptive gualitatve method. The population of the research is Fifth semester students of English Literature Department UIN Alauddin Makassar in the academic year 2018/ 2019. The main instrument of the research is the researcher herself, where the researcher gives writing test …
The researcher used descriptive gualitative method in describing the types of speech errors faced by the final semester of students English and Literature Department. Data were collected from the taking video, observing and interviewing. The researcher analyzed the students errors using the theory of Clark & Clark (1977) with regard to fluency aspects and Thornbury (2005) in terms of accuracy a…
tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui bagaimana soft skill pustakawan di perpustakaan universitas muhammadiyah makassar. untuk mengetahui seberapa besar pengaruh soft skill terhadap pengembangan layanan pada perpustakaan universitas muhammadiyah makassar.
Skripsi Ini membahas tentang efektivitas program percakapan dengan siswa kelas kesembilan dalam meningkatkan keterampilan berbicara dan pernyataan masalah adalah bagaimana efektivitas program percakapan dalam meningkatkan keterampilan berbicara pada siswa Pesantren Syekh Hasan Yamani pesantren dari Campalagian, Sulawesi barat. Tujuan dari penelitian ini tercermin dari masalah, itu adalah: me…
Based on the findings, the researcher concluded that there war4 correlation between students' habit in watching english movie and their listening skill. therefore, the researcher sugested the teacher to use this method (watching english movie) in teaching listening skill
skripsi ini berjudul persepsi pemustaka tentang interpersonal skill pustakawan dalam memberi layanandi perpustakaan umum kota makassar. rumusan masalah yang diangkat dalam penelitian ini yaitu bagaimana persepsi pemustaka tentang interpersonal skill pustakawan dalam memberi layanana di perpustakaan umum mota makassar serta uoaya-upaya yang dilakukan pustakawan meningkatkan interpersonal skill p…
Hasil Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa variabel soft skill pustakawan berpengaruh terhadap variabel peningkatan pelayanan. Berdasarkan hasil uji t menunjukkan bahwa soft skill pustakawan memiliki pengaruh tetapi pengaruh tersebut negatif terhadap peningkatan pelayanan, hal ini maka hipotesis diterima.
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