Reception in literature refers to the way a literary work is received, interpreted, and responded to by readers, critics, scholars, and the general public. It encompasses the various ways in which a piece of literature is understood, appreciated, and analyzed, and it can vary widely based on individual perspectives, cultural contexts, and historical circumstances. This research discussed th…
This study discussed about the difficulties faced by the fifth-semester student academic year 2022/2023 of the English and Literature Department of Adab and Humanities Faculty of Alauddin State Islamic University of Makassar. The purposes of this study are (1)to find out the most difficult aspect in Toefl reading test faced by the fifth-semester student of the English and Literature Department …
Speaking is a subject matter that must be learned by the students because it is the most important factor in the development of English language skills. However, it is more difficult than another subject because there are some difficulties experienced by students in speaking, such as the environment, the curriculum, teaching strategy, and many others factors that cause of speaking difficulties.…
This research studied about the Students' Peiception which aimed to find out the students' perception on their self-confidence after involving the English Literature Exhibition. The researcher applied guantitative method in revealing the data This research based on Albrecth's theory about self-confidence. The researcher used guestionnaire sheet as the instrument to get the valid data. The findi…
This study discussed the academic culture shock experienced by Indonesian students during their study in Pakistan. This research aimed to understand the dimensions of factors that affect and how Indonesian students overcome academic culture shock. This research used ABC's of culture shock theory by Collen Ward, factor that affect the culture shock theory by Rajasekar, and culture adjustment tra…
Motivation has an important role in learning the language. As Harmer (2001) states that, the success or failure of someone in learning English depends on their motivation levels. This research is aimed to analyze motivation affect the students” ability in grammatical structure and which motivation influence students” ability. The objectives of the research is to identify effect of motivatio…
This research aimed to find out the grammatical errors in students writing and the most dominat error made by the trid semester students of English and Literature Dapertment in writing text.
This study aims to know whether or not there is an influence on student motivation to student achievement in learning English grammar at the four-semester English and Literature Department of UIN Alauddin Makassar. The sample of this research is 23 students from each class 4th semester of the English and Literature Department and selected stratified. The researcher used the guantitative descrip…
This research discussed about grammatical cohesion on students' academic writing skill. The data were analyzed using descriptive gualitatve method. The population of the research is Fifth semester students of English Literature Department UIN Alauddin Makassar in the academic year 2018/ 2019. The main instrument of the research is the researcher herself, where the researcher gives writing test …
In this thesis, the researcher found that based on the essay texts written by the research subjects, the researcher found that there were 30 types of nonstandard use of English words. There are several factors that led to the students often use non-standard language in text writing essays, among others: (1) avocation or hobby in watching American movies, (2) the demands of the course as a stude…