This research aims to find lexical cohesion of students' writing in writing center program. This research examines lexical cohesion of students” writing in writing center program at English and Literature Department. This research uses the descriptive gualitative method and used the theory of lexical cohesion as proposed by Hasan and Haliiday (1976). The lexical cohesion items were repetition…
This research discussed more about Morphology Errors Made by The Sixth Semester Students in English and Literature Departement od Adab And Humanities Faculty in Writing Essay Whichy Aimed To Find out the types of errors in students' writing essay and the causes of it.
This reserach discussed sbout the correlation between thye level of esxtravertion and writing competecen at the fifth semester students of english and literature UIN Dapertement of Alauddin Makassar which aimed t figure out whateher the level of extraversion had correlation with writing competence or not.
This research aimed to find out the grammatical errors in students writing and the most dominat error made by the trid semester students of English and Literature Dapertment in writing text.
This research discussed about grammatical cohesion on students' academic writing skill. The data were analyzed using descriptive gualitatve method. The population of the research is Fifth semester students of English Literature Department UIN Alauddin Makassar in the academic year 2018/ 2019. The main instrument of the research is the researcher herself, where the researcher gives writing test …
The findings showed that 47 student got excelent score and 18 students got good score in their writing III score. the researcher also found that 18 students were classified as extreme extrovert, 39 students as fairly introvert, 3 students as balance, 3 students as fairly introvert, and 2 students as extreme introvert. the coefficent of correlation between th two variables were 0.22.
the aim of this thesiswas to find out the relationship between emotion and the students' ability in english writing and the dominant which appear in writing english language. the result indicated that there is relation between emotion and th students' ability to writing. the dominant emotions which appear in english language is positive emotions.
the writer found that the level of students ability to change inflection is high by the mean score 87 and to change derivation si very high by the mean score of 98.
This research discussed about Grammacital Erros Made by the fifth semester studens at English and Literature Depertement in writing essay. This research aimed to identify and analyze grammacital erros as well as their causing facctor in essay made by students of literature departement. This research focused on dulay and richard theories about grammacital errors. The research used interview guid…
This research aimed to find out the grammatical errors in students writing and the most dominant error made by the third semester students of english and literature department in writing text. The research based on Dulay's theory about the surface strategies of taxonomy which were classified into four different categories such as omission, addition, misformation and misordering