ومن أهداف هذه الرسالة هى كشف العلاقة بينهما وما وراءها من العلاقة بين الشهبى وما إلى ذلك من التناسب والتخالف عن الأحوال الظرفية فى اللغة العربية والإندونيسية
tesis ini dibahas tentang proses morfofonemik prefiks: in (II, Ir dan Im). masalah tesis ini adalah untuk mengetahui nilai rata-rata dari mahasiswa semester ketujuh dalam menggunakan prefiks morfofonemik bahasa Inggris di departemen bahasa Inggris di Universitas Islam Negeri dari Makassar peneliti menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dalam menganalisa data, pengumpulan data, peneliti mengg…
في هذه الرسالة الباحثة الاسماء المثتقة وكاتاجباديان مباحثاالقواعد التو قد يصعب للطلا ب فهمها دورمعرفتها معرفة صحيحة.
the aim of this study is to find out the change of form and the meaning of borrowing word which is found in opinion column of Tribun Timur Newspaper.
the result of this research, the grammar mastery and speaking ability of the students were good. the data analysis showed that there was middle correlation between grammar mastery and speaking ability ability of the students.
by seeing the result contained in this thesis, it can be concluded that the ability of students' in using idiomatic expression of phrases (16.78), clauses (18.91), sentences (21.04). the students' ability in using idiomatic expression in fifth semester of english and literature department of UIN Alauddin Makassar was classified as poor ability. it was proved by mean score 56.61 of the administe…
This thesis gives a descriptions about the differences and similarities of morphological process of noun-formations in english and buginese. based on the result, the differnces between Englsih and Buginese in forming nouns from verbs lies in the term of formal relationship morphemes, that is the morphological process of noun-formations in englsih suffixations.