Snapchat has become one of the most popular social media platforms among teenagers, and its use is often accompanied by guirky terms or jargon. This study aims to examine the forms and functions of this jargon. The rescarch method used is a gualitative approach by conducting observation participants where the researcher acts as a@ participant in the activity or situation being observed and used…
Dalam penelitian ini pokok permasalahan berfokus pada bagaimana eksistensi tradisi uang panai dan bagaimana persepsi masyarakat terhadap tradisi uang panai' di kelurahan pattalassang kabupaten takalar. Permasalahan pokok tersebut menimbulkan sub-sub masalah, yaitu: 1) bagaimana eksistensi tradisi uang panai dalam perkawinan adat Makassar di kelurahan pattalassang kabupaten takalar?, 2) bagaiman…
Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa tradisi appa'tantu allo baji pernikahan memiliki arti mencari hari, tanggal maupun bulan yang baik untuk melakukan hajatan dan juga mencari jalan kesalamatan dalam hidup. Tujuan dilakukannya tradisi ini adalah untuk mendapatkan kebaikan, keselamaan sebelum dan sesudah melangsungkan perkawinan. Proses appa'tantu allo baji dilakukan jauh hari sebelum perkawin…
This study was focused on types of Politeness Strategies and the function of strategy used by Charlie Rose and Jack Ma in English Speech Talk Show. The results of this research showed there were three politeness strategies used by the speakers in this English Speech Talk Show: They were positive politeness as many 19 utterances, negative politeness as many 14 utterances and off-record as many 3…
This research discussed the forms of women's resitance contained in the Moxie movie by Amy Poehler (2021). This research used gualitative methods with a women's resistance theory approach to develop an understanding of the object under study. The results showed women's resistance against discrimination and the injustices found in various ways ranging from solidarity actions, campaigns, resistan…
This study aims to know whether or not there is an influence on student motivation to student achievement in learning English grammar at the four-semester English and Literature Department of UIN Alauddin Makassar. The sample of this research is 23 students from each class 4th semester of the English and Literature Department and selected stratified. The researcher used the guantitative descrip…
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini bahwa: 1). Abu Abdullah Muhammad alMahdi bin Al-Mansur merupakan Khalifah ketiga dari Dinasti Abbasiyah. Ia dilahirkan di Hamimah pada tahun 126 H, tetapi ada pendapat lain yang mengatakan bahwa dia lahir pada tahun 129 H. 2). Sistem pemerintahan yang digunakan khalifah al-Mahdi adalah Khalifatullah fil Ardh (khalifah Allah di muka bumi). Segala urusan pemerinta…
This research is a comparative study that discusses motherhood in the novella The Highland Widow by Walter Scott and in the novel Holy Mother by Akiyoshi Rikako. The Highland Widow and Holy Mother are literary works that tell about a mother that is trying to save their child from danger according to them and end up performing deviant things. The aims of this study are to find the similarities a…
This research discussed the portrayal of islamophobia in America after the 9/11 Attacks in the novel Yusuf Azeem Is Not a Hero by Saadia Farugi, which aimed to examine islamophobia as a form of orientalism in the aftermath of the 9/11 Attacks. This research used the theory of orientalism and the concept of islamophobia proposed by Edward W. Said under the post-colonialism approach to deconstruc…
Skripsi ini membahas tentang “studi tentang karakteristik pemustaka menurut pustakawan di perpustakaan STIKES Panrita Husada Bulukumba” dimana yang menjadi permasalahan adalah I)Bagaimana karakter pemustaka menurut pustakawan di perpustakaan dan 2)Bagaimana upaya pustakawan dalam memenuhi kebutuhan pemustaka berdasarkan karakternya di perpustakaan STIKES Panrita Husada Bulukumba.