Skripsi ini membahas tentang Eksistensi Pojok Baca Digital (POCADI) Oleh Masyarakat Di Kabupaten Takalar. Pokok Pembahasan dalam skripsi ini adalah bagaimana eksistensi Pojok Baca Digital (POCADI) oleh Masyarakat di Kabupaten Takalar dan strategi apa yang diberikan pustakawan sehingga masyarakat tertarik berkunjung ke Pojok Baca Digital (POCADI). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui eksist…
Skuipsi ani membahas tentang Pemanfaatan /fandphone sebagai media penunjang pembelajaran di Perpustakaan UPID SMP Negeri 18 Sinjai. Demi mendapatkan hasil penelitian dijabarkan dalam permasalahan penelitian ini adalah 1) bagaimana pemanfaatan handphone sebagai media pembelajaran di perpustakaan SMP Negeri 18 Sinjai. 2) apa jenis aplikasi yang di gunakan dalam media pembelajaran di perpustakaan …
This study aims to analyze the primary emotions and emotional intelligence experienced by main characters in the movie script A Star is Born. The purpose of this research are to describe primary emotions of the main character and to find out the inner conflict that arised in the movie after the main character control their emotion based on the emotional intelligence. The researcher used descrip…
This research examines the plot that motivates the unhappiness and happiness of the characters in the movie "Run". This study uses Freud”s pleasure and pain concept that motivates and inspires people to move forward or to avoid the movement. Using gualitative research data by examining the events in the plot that construct the character's state of being happy or unhappy in the movie, this res…
This research used descriptive gualitative method that aimed to describe the types and the motives of swear words by the people in "The Jerry Springer Show." The researcher analyzed 4 types of swear words based on Andersson and Trudggil and (1990) and 3 motives of swear words based on Andersson in Karjalainen (2002. The data of this research were taken from swear words contained in the form of …
Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa Arung Palakka adalah keturunan bangsawan Bone dan Soppeng yang ayahnya bernama La Pottobunek Arung Tana Tengnga (Soppeng) dan ibunya We Tenrisui Datu Mario Ri Wawo (Bone). Sebelum perjuangan Arung Palakka di kerajaan Bone, ada dua kondisi yang peneliti temukan dalam penelitian ini ialah eksternal dan internal. Dimana kondisi eksternalnya itu terjadi perang peng-Is…
This research discusses the issue of racism in the film The Hate U Give (2018). The purpose of this research was to find out the kinds of racism and how black people struggle, especially Star as the main character and the only witness to the shooting by a white police officer against his best friend to get justice. The research used descriptive gualitative method by using Czerniaweski's theory …
This study examines the second language acguisition process of Afghan refugees living in Makassar city. There are 10 refugees as participants, they have lived in Indonesia for 5-10 years. The focus of this research lies on people who are good at speaking Indonesian. It aims to describe how they acguire a second language and the factors that influence the process. This research belongs to descri…
The aims of research is to describe Elkins' concept of spirituality that exists in three female characters in Laila Abuolela's novel Bird Summons. This research is a gualitative research with a literary structuralism approach. The data used in this research are monologues, dialogues and narratives related to concept of the spirituality of the characters in the novel. The data source in this res…
Skripsi ini membahas tentang peran pustakawan dalam pelestarian bahan pustaka di Perpustakaan SMA Negeri 19 gowa, dengan rumusan masalah: Bagaimana peran pustakawan dalam Pelestarian Bahan Pustaka di Perpustakaan SMA Negeri 19 gowa. Apa faktor-faktor penyebab kerusakan bahan pustaka di Perpustakaan SMA Negeri 19 gowa.