This research was about Anxiety as seen in the Sophie Kinsella's Finding Audrey. This research aimed to find out about the way of the anxiety portrayed and the role of other main characters in curing Audrey anxiety in the novel. this research based on Sigmund Freud theory. The data applied the descriptive method.
This research discussed about strategy which aimed to find out the strategy that characters expressed in the Martin's novel "A Dance with Dragons" and this research was conducted in order to show the apology strategy within the novel. This research based on Trosborg's theory about apology strategy.
This thesis is the research about mental bullying in Danielle's Steel novel "Big Girl" by using theory of bullying by Allan Beane. The objectives of this research are to describe the kinds of mental bullying are experienced by Victoria in the novel Big Girl and to describe the impacts of mental bullying are experienced by Victoria in the novel Big Girl.
Yhe implication of this research is to give understanding on the term of collective unsconsciousness as one of theory of C.G. Jung to readers or next researchers whom would like to know and research more about it.
This research discussed about the word formation of compouding words which aimed to describe the types of compound words and the function of compound words in the mark walden's novel "earthfall retribution". the researcher applied qualitative method in order to analyze the types of compound words.
hedonism recently has been considered as a glamorous lifestyle. this research attempted to show that hedonism is interrelated with pleasure and desire. at first, it is showed that hedonism is all about bodily pleasure and bodily desire desire which led to bodily pleasure.
This research discussed about Figurative Languages in Jodi Picoult's "Small Great Things". This research aimed to know the figurative language found in Jodi Picoult's novel "Small Great Things". This research focuses on the Leech's theory to categorize types of figurative language in Small Great Things.
This research discussed about adaptation of novel into the film inferno 2016. this research aimed to find out adaptation of nobel into film that found what teh differences are and adapter's motivation or reason in the changes of both works that related with the audiences' commentary.
pesona klasik dan ketampanan lelaki itu senantiasa menawan para gadis. namun Amerika, negri yang sejak perang dunia II menjadi negara adikuasa, telah membuatnya terluka dan kalah. Jack, lelaki itu pun menjelma menjadi elas dan melanglang ke negri yang damai, swiss untuk menikmati keindahan kuntum-kuntum bunganya. namun yang terjadi kemudian, sekuntum mawar berduri mematahkan sayapnya.
Negara melihat betapa bahayanya aku, dan mereka pun memutuskan untuk menjauhkanku dari manusia normal. Mereka ingin menciptakan kedamaian yang sempurna di dunia ini. datanglah adam, baik hati. di matanya, aku tidak berbahaya. Lalu, kiami pun berdiskusi. adam akan membantuku keluar dari pengasingan ini, dan kami akan hidup bahagia nun jauh di sana. itu janjinya.