Skripsi ini membahas Studi tentang Kemampuan Literasi Informasi Mahasiswa Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar dalam Menangkal Radikalisme”. Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah Bagaimana Kemampuan Mahasiswa Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar dalam Mengidentifikasi Informasi Radikalisme?, Bagaimana Kemampuan Mahasiswa Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar dalam menge…
This research discussed about Discourse analysis features of the tonight show starring Jimmy Fallon. This research focused on finding the types of flouting maxim and reason flouting maxim from the video Taylor Swift's 10-minutes version of All too well almost wasn't recorded. The data were analyzed using descriptive gualitative method. The theory that used in this research were theory of grice …
The researcher as the main instrument took note-taking in collecting and evaluating data based on the theory used. The findings showed that there are at least 10 images of the Orient that put Benghazi people represented as violent, foolish, scornful, materialist, temperamental, dependent, terrorist, hateful, anarchist and remained hypocrites. The film confronted bad images of the Orient, nevert…
This research is aimed to analyze the existential needs in the novel The Ministry of Utmost Happiness by Arundhati Roy. The objectives of the research is to find out the kinds of existential needs that affect the main character of novel. The researcher uses Erich Fromm's existential needs theory. The result of the research revealed there are four kinds of existential needs that affect the main …
This study aims to determine and analyze the syntactical of code mixing in Greatmind Small Talk used by Dian Paramita Sastrowardoyo and Marissa Anita. The obeject of this study is to find out the types of code mixing used by Dian Paramita Sastrowardoyo and Marissa Anita. Code mixing is when speakers employ both languages simultaneously to the point that they switch from one to the other within …
This research discussed about Psychological Conflicts the Main Character in “Genius” Movie by Michael Grandage. This research was conducted in order to give more knowledge about Psychological Conflicts the Main Character in literary works which people do not realize about its urgency. This research focused on analyzing movie using theory of conflict by Jones and Alex Sobur. The data were an…
This research discusses the Deixis in Sam and Cat American Teen Situation Comedies. This research focuses on finding the types of deixis and the impact of using deixis for humor in Sam and Cat American Teen Situation Comedies from 1 to 3 episodes. The data were analyzed using the descriptive gualitative method. The theory used in this research is theory of Levinson (1983) and Raymond (1980). Th…
Skripsini membahas tentang mengimplementasikan gerakan literasi Sekolah di SMAN 21 Makasar, yaitu guru memberikan kesempatan 15 menit untuk membaca dan menulis, gambar sebelum mata pelajaran dimulas. Adapun factor yang pendukung GL S dalam meningkatkan minat baca siswa SMAN 21 Makasar yaitu adanya sarana berupa modia sosial untuk mensosialisakan program kepada seluruh elemen sekolah, baik mela…
In this study, Seymour Chatman's opinion on the Mother novel's narrative structure was addressed. The purpose of this work is to use Seymour Chatman theory to characterize logical occurrences utilizing kernels and satellites as story elements in storytelling. The descriptive gualitative approach was employed to study the data, and the narrative theory was applied to describe the logical events …
Skripsi ini membahas tentang strategi pemustaka dalam menelusuri informasi di layanan ibu dan anak dinas perpustakaan dan kearsipan Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan. Rumusan masalah dari penelitian ini yaitu 1) bagaimana strategi pemustaka dalam menelusuri informasi, 2) apa layanan yang sering dimanfaatkan pemustaka dalam menelusuri informasi di layanan ibu dan anak dan 3) kendala yang dihadapi pemust…