Buku ini mencakup bab tentang apa yang disebut cakar hukum bibliometrik Lotka, Zipl Mandelbrot, Bradford, dan Leimkuhler) Namun buku ini juga memberikan perhatian yang sesuai untuk penelitian ilmiah itu sendiri dan komunikasi serta penerbitan hasil ilmiah mengingat perkembangan terkini dalam informetrik pengantar dasar untuk teori jaringan disertakan Selain itu garis waktu disediakan sebagai ik…
The aims of this research are to find out the kinds and describe the function of semiotic sign used in “ Harry Potter and The Deathiy Hallow” by using semiotic analysis. This research applied Charles Sanders Pierce theory (1985) explain that, there are three types of signs which are icon, index, and symbol. This research used a gualitative approach because it intends to analyze in terms of …
This research discussed the struggles of Audrey against her anxiety disorder in the novel Finding Audrey by Sophie Kinsella. This study aimed to describe the triggers of Audrey's anxiety and to explain the internal and external confflicts reflected in the novel. This research used psychoanalysis theory by Sigmund Freud and the internal and external conflicts theory by Robert Stanton. This resea…
Skripsi ini membahas bahwa dampak pandemi covid-19 pada layanan sirkulasi di dinas perpustakaan dan kearsipan kabupaten Majene yaitu dampak positif dan negatif. dimana, dampak positifnya yaitu diterapkannya sistem perpanjangan masa peminjaman bahan pustaka dan tidak diadakannya sistem denda. dampak negatifnya yaitu diterapkannya sistem layanan terbatas dan kunjungan pemustaka juga dibatasi. Ada…
This research focuses on the symbolic meaning in the Iyrics of the Elong Poto tradition. This study aims to determine the symbolic meaning in the lyrics of the Elong Poto tradition from the Karampuang traditional area, Sinjai district. This research is analyzed based on the semiotic theory by Charles Sanders Pierce. This research uses gualitative methods and uses a semiotic approach to analyze …
The Roland Barthes narrative codes are excellent in deciphering any narrative story which challenge the readers to go beyond its significance of meaning. This study analyzes one of John Green's novels entitled Turtles All the Way Down which was first published in 2017. This study aims to scrutinize the narrative codes dwelt within the said novel by using Roland Barthes's five narrative codes th…
The findings of the research shows that four motivations of adaptor in adapting that novel into film they are the economic, the legal constrains, cultural Capital and the personal reasons. It can be concluded that the first, the economic professional actors who made successful film and could elevate this film into a popular adaptation and the profits made in adapting the film could reach a worl…
Skripsi ini membahas tentang pemanfaatan layanan anak di Dinas Perpustakaan dan Kearsipan Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan. Rumusan masalah dari penelitian ini yaitu bagaimana pemanfaatan layanan anak di Dinas Perpustakaan dan Kearsipan Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan, bagaimana layanan anak di Dinas Perpustakaan dan Kearsipan Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan, dan kendala yang dihadapi di layanan Anak di Dinas Per…