this research discussed about6 the kinesic that used by the dyslexia children at SLB Negeri 1 Makasar of their nonverbal communication which aimed to find out the kinds of kinesics that the dyslexia children who did communication in learning process
This research discussed about Japanese Non-Verbal Communication by the main characters in the novel of Totto-chan and the Light on curtain of Sakura (an analysis of kinesics). This research is aimed to describe the types and the functions of kinesics that used by the main characters in novel Totto-chan and the Light of Sakura. This research focuses on the types and functions of kinesics as the …
this thesis implicated to tell people that by knowing the expressive behavior especially the types of expressive behavior
Jurnal ini terbit dua kali dalam setahun, dan dilamnya membahas tentang media dialog ilmu keislaman yang berlatar belakang keadaban.
Tulisan ini mencoba melihat bentuk-bentuk alih kode yang digunakan oleh mahasiswa program S.3 dan universftas Hasanuddini Makassar yang berjumlah 14 orang, berasal dan berbagai disiplin ilmu yang berbeda yang mengikuti program Sandwich di Universitas Griffith-Brisbane Australia selama tiga bulan. Temuan menunjukkan bahwa alih kode berfungsi sebagai strategi berkomunikasi, apabila pembicara tida…