Mormonism is unfamiliar religion in Indonesia. Like many other religions, Mormonism is followed by both men and women. They famously live in America. The females in Mormon must be faithful to their husbands and the religion accepts polygamous life. Therefore, it makes women unable to freely speak up about their disagreement with that kind of lifestyle or the injustice they feel. This research e…
This research discussed about Cinderella Complex of the characters in Little Women (2019). This research focused on finding Cinderella Complex aspecst and factors showed by the characters in Little Women (2019). The data were analyzed using descriptive gualitative method. The theory that used in this research was theory of Cindereila Complex by Colette Dowling (1981). The main instrument of the…
This thesis explores the violence experienced by female characters in Liane Moriarty's novel Big Little Lies by using Humm's thcory of feminism and Harnoko's theory of violence. The researcher used the descriptivegualitative method. The novel Big Little Lies (2014) tells about the types of Violence and oppression experienced by Jane and Celeste. The researcher found that the violence experience…
This research aims at analyzing the writer”s world view of women in the novel Burial Rites by Hannah Kent based on Goldmann's Genetic Structuralism theory. This research uses gualitative method to reveal the world view of Hannah Kent about women. Descriptive gualitative research is used in order to analyze certain principal attachment between the primary and secondary data. The primary data i…
This research discusses patriarchy towards women and women's freedom from patriarchy in Abi Dare's The Girl with the Louding Voice. This research analyzes how women get their freedom from patriarchy such as subordination, exploitation, and oppression by becoming independent women. The object of this research is a novel by Abi Dare entitled The Girl with the Louding Voice (2020). This research u…
This study is aimed at analyzing how women are characterized in Little Women. In analyzing data, the researcher uses the theory of Actantial Model by Algirdan Julien Greimas (1966). This research uses descriptive gualitative method. The data collected regarding how the women characters are characterized in Little Women's novel based on actant function and three axis in A.J. Greimas's theory (19…
This study focuses on the representation of subaltern women in Arundhati Roy's The God of Small Things. The objective of the study is to find out the representation of subaltern women in The God of Small Things novel by Arundhati Roy. This study is a library study and it used gualitative method. To collect the data, the instruments used were the researcher as the main instrument and notes taken…
This research aimed to know the women characters in Brothers Grimms Selected Fairy Tales, Hansel and Gretel, and Little Red Riding Hood. The writer uses character and characterization theory, and women characters in Rumainum. The data were analyzed using analytic and dramatic technigues, conversation, behavioral, and thought and feeling. The writer also used the descriptive gualitative method. …
Tks Reseerch discussed the Directive Speech Acts Performed in Litde Woo Move (2019) This Research aimed 40 find out 1h2 types of Direcuve Speech Act 2nd to 2nahvze Direcuve Speech Act performed by the characters in Ie moves In 22hN7ang the data, the researcher used the Speech Act Thsory by Jota Searla Th3s research used a ggalrznve descripave method. In this research, Te pn astrea of this resea…
This research aims to focus on analyzing he influence of women in restoring harmony between man (human and man) and nature in the moana movie script by using the eco-feminism approach.