Rosemary Chance.
This research is a comparative study that discusses motherhood in the novella The Highland Widow by Walter Scott and in the novel Holy Mother by Akiyoshi Rikako. The Highland Widow and Holy Mother are literary works that tell about a mother that is trying to save their child from danger according to them and end up performing deviant things. The aims of this study are to find the similarities a…
This study aims to analyze the primary emotions and emotional intelligence experienced by main characters in the movie script A Star is Born. The purpose of this research are to describe primary emotions of the main character and to find out the inner conflict that arised in the movie after the main character control their emotion based on the emotional intelligence. The researcher used descrip…
This study aims to explore the moral values in Aesop's fables. This research uses descriptive gualitative where the data are analysing use Imam Al-Ghazali's theory of moral values. The moral values found in five of Aesop's fables that are, 1) moral values related to God, 2) moral values related to oneself, including: patient, fair, and honest. 3) moral values related to other people, or commonl…
The purpose of this study is to identify the human-nature relationship as reflected in the picture books from Indonesia “Kemana Tomat Pergi” and from England “The Tooth Fairies and Cleaning Factory”. This study used a descriptive gualitative method. The researcher employs ecocritical theory, particularly Cheryl! Glotfelty's theory and Keraf's supporting theory, to examine how humans and…
This study discussed the comparison of value in the folklore of Momotaro aed La Maddukelleng and aims to determine the values contamed im the two folklares. This research was based on Zepetnek's theory of literary comparison usg gualanwe methods. This study used a note-taking technigue 2s 20 msirament to reveal vahd data, The researcher found tirat the folkiore of Momotaro and La Madcukeileng h…
Contents old and middle english tudor literature william shakespeare The seventeenth century restoration and eighteenth the romantic period high victorian literature late victorian to modernist twentieth century literature
Skripsi ini membahas tentang Evaluasi Literatur dengan Menggunakan Analisis Sitiran terhadap Skripsi Jurusan Kesehatan Masyarakat di UPT Perpustakaan Utsman Bin Affan Universitas Muslim Indonesia tahun 2016. Pokok permasalahan yang diangkat dalam penelitian ini adalah seberapa banyak jumlah sitiran penulis dan penerbit yang terdapat di jurusan kesehatan masyarakat pada perpustakaan Utsman Bin A…
This research discussed about the depiction of gender through the main characters in 6 children picture books in Makassar. This research applied the concept of sex and gender by Oakley in order to uncover the depiction of gender of the picture books. This research used descriptive analysis method. The research aimed to reveal the depiction of gender in picture book, about how male and female ar…
This research aims to focus ON the analysis of the use of myth of Tekabog as rhetoric in post-truth of (he novel The Ickabog by J.K Rowling. In thus thesis, there are two objective of the research, those are (1) to analyze the myth of the Ickabog used by characters as rhetoric to construct the truth in the novel and (2) to describe characters” reactions toward the myth in the novel. This rese…