This thesis explores how icon, index, and symbol in the world's most valuable brands 2020 Advertisements. The researcher analyzed signs based on triadic semiotics by Charles Sanders Pierce.The data of this research collected from four of the most valuable brands in 2020 by Forbes. From the eight video advertisements analyzed, the researcher finds icon, index, and symbol are performed in ten for…
This research was about figurative language analysis which aimed to find out the types of figurative language used in songs Iyric in the 1990s and 2000s, and analyzed the contextual meaning of the figurative language used in songs of lyric in the 1990s and 2000s. This study used a gualitative descriptive method, analyzed based on Perrine's figurative language theory. The results of data analysi…
The study of this research is 'An Analysis of Associative Meaning in Glee tv series' Select song. The Objective of this reseach ere analyze the five types of associative meaning and to find the meaning of the Glee TV series' selected song.
this research aimed to figure out the symbolic meaning of Towani Tolotang birth and death in the Regency of Sidenreng Rappang. The research based on Charles Saders Pierce theory about the symbols. This research applied descriptive qualitative method in revealing the data. This research used observation and interview sheet as the instrument to get the valid data.
this research discussed about the effective meanings in roth's allegiant. this research aimed to describe how the effective meanings are expressed in roth's allegiant. this research focuses on how the effective meanings are expressed based on leech's theory of affective meaning which is qualitative method. the research used note taking as the instrument to find out the valid data. the result sh…
This research discussed about The Meaning of the Ritual in Accera Kalompoang which still exist around the society in Gowa Regerency, South Sulawesi. This research aimed to know the implicit meaning that contained in the ritual Accera Kalompoang from four imformants. Thus research focused on pierce’s theory about triangle elements of semiotic. Then, the data were analyzed using qualitative met…
this research discusses the meaning of pamali words in buginese society especialliy in baru orai village, sengkang city. this research aims to analyze the words in buginese society. this research used the descriptive qualitative methods and focused on speech act theory by austin.
this thesis is about interpretation of the assiciative meaning in the lyric of Maher Zain's selected song. the method used descriptive qualitative, the instrumen of research was note taking which data colletion were interpreted in four ways such as collection the data, reading, lyric. selection process. the research concluded that his dughter brings happines in their life and family.
The researcher revealed that three were 24 words of connotative meaning and 25 words of denotative meaning. ased on interview sheet, language maintance was not most dominant reasons of user doangang about reciting doangang in Makassar language.
the found that patriotism in " his day is done" is the spirit and the act or involvement of citizen as the proof of the loyalty, attacment ang fight for his country by the internal colonizer and external colonizer. the patriotism in "o captain my captain" portrayed as attachment to country, how the country get transition from the civil war to the freedom. both of the poems there are some the s…