This thesis aims to analyze Metaphors Used in American Selected Song Lyrics Before and After 2020. This study uses a gualitative approach with a focus on content analysis to identify and understand how metaphors are used in social life. and cultural life. The results of the analysis show that there are significant differences in the use of metaphors between groups of song lyrics before and afte…
This research is focused on students” response toward contextual meaning in Adele's song lyrics. The objective of this research is to find out the students' response toward contextual meaning in Adele's song based on Lyons (1977) theory about contextual meaning. The methodology used in this research is descriptive gualitative method. The result of data analysis is there are 7 students who gav…
banyak pendapat yang mengatakan tentang kapan islam masuk ke indonesia. ada yang berpendapat bahwa islam masuk ke indonesia pada abad ke-7, tetapi ada juga yang mengatakan bahwa islam masuk ke indonesisa pada abad ke-9 atau adab ke 11. tentunya penyebaran islam tidak lepas dari peran para toko atau ulama masa itu.
This research discussed meaning equivalence in “how far I’ll go” lyrics by Allesia Cara to “seberapa jauh kumelangkah” lyrics by Maudy Ayunda. This research aims to find out the kinds of equivalence used in “how far I’ll go” lyrics by Allesia Cara to “seberapa jauh kumelangkah” lyrics by Maudy Ayunda and to know the dominant equivalence used in the song lyrics based on Mona …
The research aimed at finding the types of metaphor and identifying the metaphor of emotion in the song lyrics. The researcher used the theory of Ullmann to finding the types of metaphor, there are anthropomorphic metaphor, animal metaphor, synesthetic metaphor and from concrete to abstract metaphor, to identifying the metaphor of emotion in the song lyrics, there are anger, fear, happines…
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah; pertama, mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis Sejarah tradisi Songkabala pada masyarakat Bulu’ballea Kelurahan Pattapang Kecamatan Tinggimoncong Kabupaten Gowa? Kedua, mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis prosesi pelaksanaan tradisi Songkabala pada masyarakat Bulu’ballea Kelurahan Pattapang Kecamatan Tinggimoncong Kabupaten Gowa? Ketiga, mendeskripsikan dan mengana…
This research discussed meaning eguivalence in “how far VII go” Iyrics by Allesia Cara to “seberapa jauh kumelangkah” lyrics by Maudy Ayunda. This research aims to find out the kinds of eguivalence used in “how far P'll go” Iyrics by Allesia Cara to “seberapa jauh kumelangkah” Iyrics by Maudy Ayunda and to know the dominant eguivalence used in the song lyrics based on Mona Baker…
Skripsi ini menunjukkan bahwa, 1). Beragam eksistensi songkahala ada tiga yang pertama songkabala ulu bara, songkabala keselamatan dan songkabala Muharram. Dimana proses pelaksanaannya membawa sajian makanan ke mesjid pada saat menjelang magrib, dan memanjatkan doa serta melakukan dzikir bersama jamaah. 2). Bentuk akulturasi budaya lokal dan budaya Islam yaitu adanya perubahan pemimpin upacara,…
The research aimed at finding the types of metaphor and identifying the metaphor of emotion in the song lyrics. The researcher used the theory of Ulimann to finding the types of metaphor, there are anthropomorphic metaphor, animal metaphor, synesthetic metaphor and from concrete to abstract metaphor, to identifying the metaphor of emotion in the song Iyrics, there are anger, fear, happiness, sa…